Most of us have little reserve capacity to cope with yet another crisis in the world after all that has been going in our lives and in the world over the past year or so. And yet I am  asking if you will spend a few minutes to take some simple actions on behalf of the people of Uganda, please. The situation is desperate and deteriorating.

Few people know what is going on in Uganda and how Ugandans are struggling under the harsh reality of a de facto military regime where there is no longer freedom of speech. It hasn’t hit the headlines like the military coup in Myanmar or the protests in Hong Kong have.

Ugandans feel forgotten and ignored.

They are crying out for the world to speak out on their behalf because they are unable to protest for themselves due to the security forces who are brutally quashing any dissenting voices.

Although there was no real monitoring of the recent Presidential Election by international observers, there is much evidence that the election on 14th January 2021, in which Museveni was once again re-elected after 35 years of being President,  was rigged.

Thousands of opposition supporters (the number is unknown) have already  “disappeared”, been kidnapped, arrested, detained without charge in prisons and other non-gazetted places, brought before military courts, brutally beaten, tortured and killed for as little as gathering at opposition rallies or speaking out or posting something on social media – or even wearing a red T-shirt, the colour of the main opposition party. The armed Police Force is also under the control of the Army.


Even if . . . .

  • you never write letters to Members of Parliament because you think it makes no difference or they don’t bother to read them, or
  • you avoid signing petitions because you don’t agree with them or don’t think they achieve anything, or
  • you have no particular interest in Uganda, or
  • you are weary because of being involved in so many other things ….

. . . . I am asking, just this once, if you would take one or more of the actions listed below – please.

None of us can make any impact on our own but together we can work with the people of Uganda to achieve real change in at least one country which has suffered so much in the past and has such potential.

These actions are NOT about supporting one politician or one political party against another but are about DEMOCRACY and PEACE, for the sake of ordinary people and their basic human rights and freedom.

As you may be aware, I am receiving desperate messages from friends in Uganda. One such message said (using her capital letters): “THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW THE TRUTH and COME and HELP.”

Please, please, please do at least one of the following:

If everyone who reads this post would act in at least one way and then forward the link to at least ten more people who will act, and so on, we shall soon have thousands around the globe crying out on behalf of Ugandans who cannot speak out for themselves. This will hasten the return of democracy and peace to Uganda.

If you don’t live in the UK, you can at least sign the online petition and then also adapt the linked information above to suit your national procedures and circumstances.

If you would like to leave any comments, let me know how you have been able to help or raise any questions, please use this form. I will be pleased to hear from you.



  1. I have written to our MP, Michelle Donelan, who is a practising Christian (and who has a heart for persecuted Christians)How sad things are in Uganda. I can’t think of a time when democracy actually took root in Uganda, and it seems that what once looked like, maybe,  a benign dictatorship has  descended into the age-old trap of ‘Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely’. Hope you are all well, as we are. Michael

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Margaret,

    Thank you for sending this. I have already signed the petition and was in the process or writing to my MP. However when I copied and pasted the sample letter both straight onto an email and onto a Word document it did so with a highlighted background which immediately gives the game away that it is copied and pasted. Is there a way of getting rid of this that you know of please? I will forward the email when I know the answer to this as I think that at least some of those I will send it to will be as bemused as I am.

    Well done on getting this launched.

    Love and prayers, Felicity ________________________________

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have now tried copying and pasting and it depends on which format you choose to paste it into your Word document. I assume all versions are the same. When you click on “Paste”, you should get three icons to choose from. The first icon will paste it exactly as the original appears on the website. The other two options are just plain but you will need to do some formatting yourself. Let me know if that solves the problem.


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